Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sermon Sampler (June 28th) - The Serving Church

When I say "missionary" or "missions" what do you think of? Likely you think of Africa, South America, China, or some other far off and exotic place. Almost certainly you think of a person or persons who've dedicated their life to the service of others for the kingdom of God. If you think this way, you're absolutely right, those things all relate to missions and missionaries, but in the following paragraphs I hope to open up your understanding of this topic so that it might become so much more.

The word "mission" comes from a Latin word "missum" which means to be sent. With this understanding to be in mission or to be a missionary simply means to be sent to something. In the case of the church (read all Christians everywhere) a good start to what we are sent to can be found in Matthew 25:31-46. Essentially that big long passage breaks down to say that as Christians we are called (or sent) to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, show hospitality to strangers, and visit the sick and imprisoned.

We've been thinking about and discussing what "the church" is, and what "the church" exists to do (or it's purpose). So far we've decided that "the church" consists of all who believe in Jesus (Christians) and that "the church" is called to grow (spread the good news of Jesus) and now to serve (be in mission). I would encourage you not to think about mission as something you need to go away to do, but something that can be done everyday, right where you are. In this case, mission looks just as much like shoveling your neighbors sidewalk, as it does building a school in Haiti. The person who visits the sick shut-in is just as much a missionary as the doctor who visits the village in the jungle. The congregation that shows hospitality to those in its community is equally involved in mission work as the one that sends a mission team to Honduras yearly.

With such a broadening of this concept that we've always reserved for a uniquely gifted and uniquely called group of people, I hope you're beginning to realize that as a part of the church you too are called to serve others (or called into mission). I also hope you realize that just because you aren't in some distant land with different people doesn't mean you can't be a missionary serving the least. Now armed with this fuller understanding of what it means to be the body of Christ (the church) in mission, it is up to you to look at your own life, your daily routines and find the places you have been sent to the sick, the poor, the hungry, and all those in need.

Grace & Peace,
Pastor John

1 comment:

  1. Dear John,
    You have written on your blog the Serving Church
    So far we've decided that "the church" consists of all who believe in Jesus (Christians) and that "the church" is called to grow (spread the good news of Jesus) ….
    And John you gave reference to
    Mat 25:46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

    First I am confused to you deciding in a generality that “the church” consists of all who believe in Jesus.
    Let me explain. In the New Testament our Lord first mentions church in his conversation with Peter, on this rock will I build my Church. Peter eventually learned that he had self on his throne that only through Christ can he find victory. He learned the lesson as a Jewish man to turn from SELF towards Christ. This is what the basis for a growing healthy church is. Not works.
    The next major time we see the word church is in Acts 2:47, but let us remember Acts 2:38 Peter saying repent……… again this was the roll call for the word church to be used in connection to MANY WERE ADDED.
    So to say anyone who believes in Jesus consist a Church is a false ground to stand on. What Jesus? Who did what? Whats my part? To say those who have repented who placed their faith in Christ for salvation constitutes a sure ground to stand on. The wise man built his house on the rock. Many false prophets claim a kind of Christ but few claim repentance towards God and faith in Jesus Christ
    So I would have written if anything in the least “the church” consists of all who have placed their faith in Jesus as their Lord. I know this sounds like semantics but to hear a fable, with no clear guidelines, or to hear truth, Gods Word, is better. Even John 3:18-21 points this out. Last but not least remember that even the demons believe in Jesus and tremble.
    Second I am confused to you writing Mat 25:46 in conjuction with works on our mission with out saying WHAT IS THE FATHERS WILL in how we should act in any given, mission, situation. It, your sermon, sounds like our deeds will propel us over those who have not deeds.
    You also wrote
    it is up to you to look at your own life, your daily routines and find the places you have been sent to the sick, the poor, the hungry, and all those in need. John I did not read in Gods word that’s its up to you but to ask the ways God sees it for us as Col 1:9 points out. For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;
    Col 1:10 That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;

    My overall understanding of what you wrote is all you have to do is believe in Jesus with no repentance, not even in any of your influencing thoughts included in your sermon John other than works, and that good works is what is needed to have a truly successful church. This would be a precarious message for me to be imbedded in my heart as truth.

