Monday, July 13, 2009

Sermon Sampler (July 5th) - The Church that Nurtures

Throughout my life, first as a member of a church, and now as the pastor of two churches, I've been cared for (or nurtured) by the church. I have been blessed with many mature and faithful Christian men and women look out for me, nurture my growth (both spiritually and physically), and help me to grow into a true disciple of Christ. It is therefore that the topic of the Church's call to Nurture is one that is especially important to me.

As we've already discussed, the Church (all followers of Christ) exists to grow (make disciples of all nations), and to serve (be in mission). Now we'll discuss how the Church exists to nurture or care for those within the community. Two key biblical texts, when exploring this idea are Acts 6:1-5 and John 21:15-17. The first passage speaks to the Church's role of providing for physical needs, while the second speaks of spiritual needs.

Nurture, as it occurs in a local congregation can look like food programs, clothing distribution, various financial assistance resources, and many many other programs designed to satisfy very real physical needs fundamental to human life. Nurture can also look like Bible study, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, book studies, counseling programs, and a plethora of other programs designed to satisfy very real spiritual needs, also fundamental to human life. But for many Chrsitians, the best way they can offer nurture to others is through much less formal ways, like smiles, handshakes, phone calls, and visits.

It is no understatement to point out that while Growth (Evangelism) and Service (Mission) are two primary ways that people are introduced to the Church and initially brought within the fold, Nurture is essential to keeping people engaged and within the fold. Without nurture, people will be apt to leave just as quickly as they entered.

So the two questions I would like you to struggle with and live with throughout this week and the weeks to come are (1) How do you/we ALREADY nurture? and (2) How can you/we BETTER nurture?

Grace & Peace,
Pastor John

1 comment:

  1. Again as in previous blogs you wrote you fail to mention or focus on "Asking what is the Fathers will" and you focus on works. Is this your message for the secular church John I am confused on your message. May God fill you with the knowledge of His will is all spiritual wisdom and understanding. You leave the reader off with your understanding and not telling them to seek God"s understanding on ANY given situation, mission.
