Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Playing Catch-Up

Unless you've been away or hiding in your home the past few weeks you realize that our Churches and surrounding communities have been quite busy. Just in case you need to be caught up, or in case you'd like to briefly re-live the past few weeks, here we go:
Several people in the Oxford congregation organized, baked, and ran a pie sale to occur the same day as Oxford's Bicentennial Celebration. The sale was a huge success, the Bicentennial was even better. The celebration included a parade (with half the population of Oxford in it), various festivities, and an incredible fireworks display.
That was all Saturday, July 26th. On Sunday, July 27th our two congregations gathered together for a Homecoming Service that included an incredible slideshow of pictures covering roughly the past 100-125 years. I'll give you the link to our winkflash page that has pictures from the service and the BBQ afterward. The service included former pastors Ken Barnes and Bob Allen, as well as Oneonta District Superintendent Jan Marsi. We also had performances from our adult choir and two different children's choirs (one the little ones, one the older ones). Hopefully we can count on some repeat performance from the children's and youth choirs.

Finally the Oxford congregation had their annual Brook's Barbeque Chicken sale. Many helped make it possible, and we sold over 350 chicken halves that day! Hopefully those who were there had a good time, and hopefully not too many people were frightened by the giant chicken!

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