Friday, July 8, 2011

Alone or Lonely

Have you ever been lonely?  Have you ever been alone?

On first glance, it would seem these two questions are asking the same thing...but are they?  To be "alone" is to have no one around.  To be "lonely" means to feel as though no one is there for you, or that no one can understand you.  It is possible to be lonely in the midst of a crowded coffee shop, bus, or church.  Likewise it is possible to be completely isolated from all human contact (ie alone) but NOT feel lonely.

How can this be?  Jesus often would go off by himself to be alone, but it was not to be lonely, but rather to be with God.  Through a real, living relationship with God we will never truly be lonely.  It is through that same relationship that we can find someone who understands, and who is ever-present with us.

My thoughts have centered around these things quite a bit lately.  My family and I are only days removed from moving to Lake Placid, NY and we definitely are feeling lonely.  We are blessed to have many who have reached out to us, and yet there are times that we have felt very lonely and even afraid.  It's times like these that our faith in God has been essential for us.  As I said above, if we have a relationship with God then we are never truly alone, and never need to feel lonely!

If you don't know God, if you're not sure about that relationship, you're not alone!  All people have moments of doubt, but that is one of the primary reasons that those who call themselves Christians, and those who are trying to "figure it out" gather together and share with one another.  If you don't have a group of people I would invite you to join our group Adirondack Community Church or one like it in your area.  I think you'll find that Christians don't have all the answers, and they're not nearly as perfect as some think, but they are honest, sincere, and kind people traveling along the same journey of life as you.

Pastor John

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