Monday, November 15, 2010


I was recently introduced to this song.  It's a song by Jars of Clay, and the linked video shows an interpretation of the song by youth group.

The song laments the hurt and pain in the world, and also points to a more and more prevalent coping mechanism used by people to avoid having to deal with the world.  If you've ever been on a city mass transit system (subway, bus, etc) you've almost certainly seen people in crowded public spaces with headphones on ignoring everything and everyone around them.  The headphones (with corresponding music) serve to block out the surrounding world.  

Whether you employ this particular strategy or not, I'm struck with the truth that in many ways we are all guilty of doing this.  We ignore the couple fighting at the gas station, pretending like we don't notice anything is going on.  We continue driving when we see a person stranded on the side of the road with their car broken down.  We put our money in the offering plate, give food to the Boy Scouts and figure we've done our part.   As for the those we don't have to see, the homeless, the sick, the dying, those whose lives are destroyed by war and oppression, we hardly give them a second thought!  We may or may not use headphones to block out the realities of this world, but we are all guilty of what this song points out. 

So what will you do about this?  Will you simply turn the volume up and continue to avoid, or will you remove your headphones and do something about it?

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