Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sermon Sampler (March 14th) - You Might be a Christian if...


"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid."  (John 14:27)

Jesus said these words to his disciples, mere hours before he was betrayed, arrested, beaten and killed.  They are a part of his parting words of advice to his followers.  But as I read them (as well as other passages in scripture) I find myself wondering how these words can really be applied to "real life".

For example, life is filled with stress and chaos.  There is family stress, community stress, job stress, and these are just to point to the "smaller" things in the world.  You can't turn on your television or look at a newspaper without hearing about another earthquake, hurricane, tsunami, or conflict going on throughout the world.  It is in light of all of this stress, chaos, and despair that I often wonder how contemporary Christians are supposed to read such words proclaiming peace and not laugh (or cry) at such a suggestion.

But if we look at this word "peace" a little more it should be noted that the Hebrew and Greek foundations of this concept speak to an inward order in the face of outward chaos.  If we further remember the chaos that was surrounding Jesus' life at the time he said these words, we can see that he was not speaking within the context of some fairy tale, but rather was living in very real stress and chaos.  No, the peace offered in the above quote is a peace that is not dependent upon outward circumstances.  It is a peace that exists inspite of chaos and stress.  It is very truly a spiritual peace, that as the Apostle Paul says, "transcends all understanding" (Philippians 4:7).

Now in case you are worried that you're not quite getting all of this, or if you fear that you don't experience a peace like this when life gets crazy/stressful/overwhelming, don't feel bad.  This isn't a hallmark of a beginning Christian, but rather is an indicator of a mature Christian.

Jesus begins this proclamation of peace by talking about the Holy Spirit, who will come in his absence and offer this comfort and peace (John 14:25-27).  The key to this whole conversation about peace is not necessarily the peace, but rather the relationship that yields this peace.  The key is the relationship in God that brings about this peace.  Therefore if you find that you don't experience this peace when life's storms are raging, or that you don't experience this peace near enough, then this is an indication that you'r relationship with God could stand to be strengthened.

In light of all this, I would leave you with Jesus' words of promise to his disciples, encouraging you to realize that the promise is the same for you...

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid."

Grace & Peace,
Pastor John

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