Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wednesday's Thoughts (8/26/09)

In his book The Irresistible Revolution: living as an ordinary radical, author Shane Claiborne talks about the reality that life as a Christian should not be safe, but rather that the Gospel calls us to live dangerously. Claiborne references such passages as John 15:18-20 and Matthew 24:9-13 when explaining that as a whole the church has become all too safe, and suggests that this fact might be because we aren't in fact followers of Jesus, but instead admirers of Christ. He points to several examples from his own life, where living out the Gospel has caused him to choose between safety and Jesus. Examples that led him to prison, persecution, and personal sacrifice.

As I read these words, and began to look at my own life, the way I live out my faith, I realized that I live entirely too safe. That is if I am to take Jesus seriously when he declared that it was a blessing to be persecuted on his behalf (Matthew 5:10-12). I can't remember a time that I was persecuted or even ridiculed for my faith, and I certainly don't think I've ever felt unsafe because I am a Christian. And yet as Christians we are not called to lead lives of comfort, leisure and luxury, but rather to lose our lives for Jesus' sake!

So my question to you is, how does your faith inform and influence your daily life? How does the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the man who lost his life on a cross, dare you to take risks? Do you live safe and comfortable? Are you simply an admirer of Jesus avoiding actually following him into danger and actual service?

I'm ashamed to admit I'm not so proud of my answers to these questions. I do think I live far too safely, and keep Jesus at a safe distance, unwilling to follow for fear of where he might lead me. Think of this, and let me know what your answers are...if you dare.

Grace & Peace,
Pastor John

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