Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Program

This week we had our Annual Christmas Program at Oxford and it was a HUGE success! McDonough's services were canceled, because your pastor is a huge wimp and apparently needs four-wheel drive, but their Christmas Program has been re-scheduled for January 4th, so be there or be square!

I'm pleased to say that despite the weather (it still wasn't great at 11:00 am) many people showed up for church in Oxford, and they were treated to the traditional Christmas story complete with Jesus, Mary and Joseph, wisemen, shepherds, angels, and a whole host of others. If you missed Oxford's program, don't fret, you can get pictures from Rich Howard, and you can go to McDonough's on the 4th of January, it also promises to be educational and a good time had by all!

On another note, our Advent Facial Hair (or other hair) seemed to be a huge success! I noticed many gentlemen in both congregations who grew some form of facial hair, and also noticed that each week a new person or two had begun to grow some facial hair. This hopefully was fun for those of you that participated and a minor curiosity to those who did not. The main goal was twofold, first to remind us all that we are in the midst of a special season (Advent) where we are to remember Christ's birth and anticipate his 2nd coming. The second goal (which those of you who participated found worked almost immediately) was to spur conversation with people who you would normally not talk to about church. Many gentlemen reported being asked questions about their facial hair and thus having an opportunity to talk to friends, co-workers, family, etc. about Advent, Jesus, God, Church, etc. I too had a conversation with my grandfather about our Advent Beards, and he was so intrigued by it that he decided he too would grow a beard. The conversation was Saturday, so he only has a few days before Christmas! But the point is, I was given an easy opportunity to talk to another person about my faith, without being pushy or intrusive.

Grace & Peace and Merry Christmas,
Pastor John

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