Monday, June 23, 2008

June 22nd Sermon Capsule - Tithing

This week we talked about the ever popular topic of Tithing, as a continuation of our summer of "All Request Sermons". Our scripture lessons of Mark 12:41-44 and especially Malachi 3:8-12 heavily influenced our conversation in which I tried to point out why sincere Christians should tithe.

First we defined "tithe" as ten percent of one's income. Not ten percent of what's left over after bills, or ten percent of what's left from going out to dinner the night before, but ten percent of what you bring in financially, from the top.

Next I spent some time talking about several of the thoughts I had about how to convince people that tithing is something they should do. The list runs something like this:
A) Mention that tithing is a key indicator of spiritual maturity

B) Present the sad reality that 20% of the people contribute a whopping 80% of any given church's income!

C) Demonstrate that given the average household income in the area ($50,000/year) and the approximate number of households in our two congregations (15-20 McDonough, 35-40 Oxford) that our annual incomes from Sunday offerings should FAR exceed our actual budgets if everyone were to tithe ($100,000 dollars income for McDonough, and up to $200,000 for Oxford).

** Here I would like to point out something I left out in both churches. Imagine if even half of the people in our congregations tithed. Imagine what kind of money problems we'd have then. Namely, we'd be asking ourselves what should we do with this EXTRA money, instead of where are we going to get the money to pay our bills! This would mean that our congregations could be involved in just about any mission or ministry we wanted and have a real impact. No longer would we be known for our buildings, but for the ministry that flows out from those buildings. Tithing is not about paying bills, but about enabling faith communities/congregations to engage in real and meaningful ministry instead of spending all their time and energy merely surviving! **

D) Use my own personal experience of tithing even when I was left with $200/month to pay for food, gas and utilities for me, my wife, and our oldest daughter, with another child on the way. Part of this experience was God never letting us down, and always providing for us in one way or another.

E) Finally I settled on turning back to the passage from Malachi and it's challenge to "put me (God) to the test" give our tithe and "see if I (God) will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you an overflowing blessing." [Malachi 3:10] After I had brought us back to this passage I acknowledged that the only way anyone can be truly convinced of anything is to try it for him or herself. So again I will say to you, test God on this, give him your tithe and see if he does not bless you. See if God is not faithful to his promise to provide for you and care for your needs. Unless you've personally taken the step in faith, unless you experience God's providence for yourself, you will never be convinced and your faith will forever remain merely a concept, an idea, simply a theory!

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