Monday, August 6, 2012

Sermon Preview - Dividing Lines

“Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools…”
Romans 8:22

                Where do you draw the line?  For me it depends on what we’re talking about.  When I’m disciplining my children it’s all about obedience and repentance.  Just do what I ask, and if you break a rule, just say you’re sorry.  It’s so simple that my kids learned at an early age the words “I’m sorry”.  Once we had more than one, they quickly learned “I forgive you” as well.
                But maybe this example is too simple.  I mean my children have me right there telling them what’s right and wrong, and theoretically I’m nice and consistent.  How do we as people of faith, striving to walk a life of discipleship, navigate right and wrong?  This question becomes especially difficult when we can’t agree with one another what is right or wrong!
                No contemporary issue illustrates this quandary more clearly than the current debate over homosexuality.  In theory the Bible is meant to provide that black and white objective clarity, but is it that simple?  Join us this Sunday as we tread lightly but boldly into a sensitive subject with momentous importance.